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Apr 17, 2020

It's time to be heroic.  It's time to take on a challenge.  In this episode, we discuss heroic mode!  We talk strategy, deck-building, and how many times it has kicked our butts.  Is it possible to end such evil endeavors?  Excelsior!


Marvel Musings with Matt

Daily Bugle Newsroom

Gameplay Corner: Heroic Mode


Apr 7, 2020

It's finally announced!  The first campaign expansion for Marvel Champions: Rise of the Red Skull!  Join us as we give our hottakes on this highly anticipated product announcement.  With two new heroes and five new scenarios, there's a lot to discuss.  Also, the best flavor text to ever be on a card.



Apr 3, 2020

This week we continue our Villain Busters series with the Wrecking Crew!  How do they fair against the might of Marvel's heroes?  We also get in another round of deckbuilding and have a very special guest...Excelsior!

Special Guest Interview!

Marvel Musings with Matt

Daily Bugle Newsroom