Nov 29, 2019
Our live recording special was great fun! Thank you to all listeners who came out to join us for trivia, a special giveaway, and a Wrecking Crew preview. Hope to see you at the next one! Excelsior!
Marvel Musings with Matt
Daily Bugle Newsroom
Wrecking Crew preview
Main Topic 1: Wrecking Crew Thoughts
Nov 15, 2019
In this episode we sit down with the one, the only, Caleb Grace! We get insight on the history of the game's development, card design, and get into some rule clarifications. Thank you so much for joining us Caleb! Excelsior!
Main Topic: Caleb "Cardboard-slinger" Grace Interview
Nov 1, 2019
It's launch day! To celebrate the launch, this week we give you some tips to make you a super player at Marvel Champions. Enjoy beating up those baddies! Excelsior!
Marvel Musings with Matt
Live Recording on Nov. 12th!
Daily Bugle Newsroom
FFG Livestream
Building the Suit
Main Topic: New Player...